Monday, September 6, 2010

Michael Coleman - Irish Art in Demand

Set of 4 Michael Coleman Paintings
Papal Cross, Wellington Monument, Eagle Monument and the Aras.This Set were Sold to an English Buyer through Martin Fennelly Antiques.
They are a Stunning set and in the Words of Ciaran MacGonigal (Director RHA Gallery)"When I first Saw the Work of Michael Coleman, I was immediately struck by the emphatic nature of the painter's strokes or marks upon the canvas. I felt, and still feel, the Power and Strength of the painterly marks which burst out of the pictorial planes"
This set of 4, now on there way to Belgravia London certainly burst out of
pictorial plane and indeed are a great investment for this perceptive Londoner who recognised art quality as soon as he walked into Martin's Store

Click the Picture to View full set